Shorebreak, LLC Shorebreak is a marine development and design consulting firm, dedicated to achieving our clients' goals through attention to a balance of form and function. We specialize in the design of planing hull craft, however our experience can help with planning a refit, managing your marine construction project, or adding appeal to your marine product line. Used by manufacturers, custom boat builders, and boat owners, we are available to provide assistance and direction to your project.
Good design and planning leads to efficient production and decreased construction costs. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.
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Description: |
Shorebreak is a marine development and design consulting firm, dedicated to achieving our clients' goals through attention to a balance of form and function. We specialize in the design of planing hull craft, however our experience can help with planning a refit, managing your marine construction project, or adding appeal to your marine product line. Used by manufacturers, custom boat builders, and boat owners, we are available to provide assistance and direction to your project.
Good design and planning leads to efficient production and decreased construction costs. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.
URL: |
Phone: |
(757) 472 - 8779
Fax: |
(757) 437 -8779
Address: |
Virginia, 23451
Country: |
United States
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