HST The HST Program is for Hydrostatics, Stability and Tank Capacities. The program prepares tabulated results of hydrostatic particulars at a range of draughts and trims and fixed or free to trim GZ and KN stability data Downflooding points may be entered to establish their angles of immersion. The program also compiles tank capacity tables for soundings or ullages, suitable for inclusion in tank calibration books. Centre of gravity, free surface moment , trim and list corrections can also be calculated.
HST has an additional module called HST loading this includes Weights and Centres, Loading Conditions, Longitudinal Strength, Maximum KG and Stability Criteria and Inclining Experiment.
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The HST Program is for Hydrostatics, Stability and Tank Capacities. The program prepares tabulated results of hydrostatic particulars at a range of draughts and trims and fixed or free to trim GZ and KN stability data Downflooding points may be entered to establish their angles of immersion. The program also compiles tank capacity tables for soundings or ullages, suitable for inclusion in tank calibration books. Centre of gravity, free surface moment , trim and list corrections can also be calculated.
HST has an additional module called HST loading this includes Weights and Centres, Loading Conditions, Longitudinal Strength, Maximum KG and Stability Criteria and Inclining Experiment.
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