Top : Software : Autoship

Autoship Systems Corporation (ASC) provides leading-edge CAD/CAM software for vessel design and construction, on-board strength and stability monitoring and customized load and stowage planning. ASCs On-board and Load Planning software, Autoload is used at all stages of vessel operations. The program reads data from tank, draft, wind and SCR sensors as well as user-input, and then reports on the condition of the vessel. Autoload is often used in conjunction with ASC-developed load planning modules specific to a vessel type, eg. supply, jack-up, bulk, ro-ro, rig, etc. Ashore, the load planning modules are interfaced with the in-house booking systems and are used to create load plans which are then transmitted back to the vessel thus allowing more optimal loading in shorter time.

Cached version of Autoship

Web Site Snapshot: If available, above is a snapshot of the Autoship web site at as it appeared when this site was added to the directory or last verified. Please Note that Boat Design Net has no involvement with the above web site; all content and images depicted in the above thumbnail are the property and copyright of Autoship unless otherwise noted on that site.


Description: Autoship Systems Corporation (ASC) provides leading-edge CAD/CAM software for vessel design and construction, on-board strength and stability monitoring and customized load and stowage planning. ASCs On-board and Load Planning software, Autoload is used at all stages of vessel operations. The program reads data from tank, draft, wind and SCR sensors as well as user-input, and then reports on the condition of the vessel. Autoload is often used in conjunction with ASC-developed load planning modules specific to a vessel type, eg. supply, jack-up, bulk, ro-ro, rig, etc. Ashore, the load planning modules are interfaced with the in-house booking systems and are used to create load plans which are then transmitted back to the vessel thus allowing more optimal loading in shorter time.
Phone: 604-254-4171
Fax: 604-254-5171
Address: Suite 1451 – 409 Granville Street, BC V6C 1T2
Country: Canada
Date Autoship was added to the Boat Design Directory: 24-Sep-1999
Number of Visitors who visited Autoship from the Boat Design Directory: 101772

*Note: Site may be listed in multiple categories, and if so, traffic is for this category only.
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