Top : Software : Creative Systems, Inc. - Creators of GHS

Creative Systems, Inc. - Creators of GHS
World famous GHS, General HydroStatics, naval architects used since 1972. GHS provides simulations of vessels in fluids and fluids in vessels, as well as damage assessments for naval architects, project and salvage engineers, and the ship industries that build and design barges, buoys, docks, drilling platforms, ships, tanks, yachts, etc. GHS calculates tank characteristics, ground reaction, hydrostatics (buoyancy, stability, and trim), with a variety of options that can be used to create stability books, tables, and reporting intact and damaged (including probabilistic) scenarios. Some of these options are: Condition Graphics, Crane, Floodable Lengths, Load Editor, Longitudinal Strength, Model Converter, Multi-Body, and more. For onboard real-time operations, GLM - GHS Load Monitor, aids ship operators in keeping vessels seaworthy while effectively and efficiently maximizing cargo loads.

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Description: World famous GHS, General HydroStatics, naval architects used since 1972. GHS provides simulations of vessels in fluids and fluids in vessels, as well as damage assessments for naval architects, project and salvage engineers, and the ship industries that build and design barges, buoys, docks, drilling platforms, ships, tanks, yachts, etc. GHS calculates tank characteristics, ground reaction, hydrostatics (buoyancy, stability, and trim), with a variety of options that can be used to create stability books, tables, and reporting intact and damaged (including probabilistic) scenarios. Some of these options are: Condition Graphics, Crane, Floodable Lengths, Load Editor, Longitudinal Strength, Model Converter, Multi-Body, and more. For onboard real-time operations, GLM - GHS Load Monitor, aids ship operators in keeping vessels seaworthy while effectively and efficiently maximizing cargo loads.
Phone: (360) 385-6212
Fax: (360) 385-6213
Address: Washington, 98368
Country: United States
Date Creative Systems, Inc. - Creators of GHS was added to the Boat Design Directory: 3-Dec-2011
Number of Visitors who visited Creative Systems, Inc. - Creators of GHS from the Boat Design Directory: 6032

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